Subscribe functions to CloudEvents¶
- Knative Eventing installed on the cluster
The subscribe
command will connect the function to a set of events, matching a series of filters for Cloud Event metadata
and a Knative Broker as the source of events, from where they are consumed.
To subscribe the function to events for a given broker, run the following command:
func subscribe --filter type=com.example --filter extension=my-extension-value --source my-broker
To subscribe the function to events for the default broker, run the following command:
func subscribe --filter type=com.example --filter extension=my-extension-value
To subscribe the function to events for a given broker, run the following command:
kn func subscribe --filter type=com.example --filter extension=my-extension-value --source my-broker
To subscribe the function to events for the default broker, run the following command:
kn func subscribe --filter type=com.example --filter extension=my-extension-value
Deployment with Triggers¶
When invoking func deploy
the CLI will create Knative Triggers for the function.
Deploy the function with Triggers by running the command inside the project directory:
func deploy
Deploy the function with Triggers by running the command inside the project directory:
kn func deploy
Expected output
🙌 Function image built: <registry>/hello:latest
🎯 Creating Triggers on the cluster
✅ Function deployed in namespace "default" and exposed at URL: